Sandwell Fostering

Sandwell Fostering is a sub-division of the newly formed Sandwell Children's Trust and is dedicated to finding loving homes for children in need of foster care throughout the Sandwell district, whilst also providing support and advice for carers.

JCD campaigns

Renaissance Creative regularly design and artwork promotional campaigns to raising awareness for Sandwell Fostering, and supply large scale 6 or 12 sheet JDC campaigns for distribution throughout the Sandwell district and beyond.

Promotional posters

Renaissance Creative regularly design and artwork promotional posters that are displayed in and around Sandwell, helping to raising the profile of Sandwell Fostering,

Foster with sandwell magazine

A 24 page 'waiting room' magazine designed to raise profile of Fostering in Sandwell and helping to bust some of the myths associated with fostering.

  Think Tank


La Casa Loco  
